Chicken Pho Masterclass

$67 ($97)

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Don't miss this amazing offer!

Special one-time offer, only $27!
In this BONUS video, Sophia Eng shows you how to piece out your whole broiler chicken in just a few steps to make your recipes, including the Chicken Pho!

"Pho is a family favorite, but I was not confident I could figure out the steps involved or the spices needed for an authentic result. Stirring and straining the broth as I worked and watched alongside Sophie, gave me the push I needed to try. I made it at home, and it was a winner!"

Montse Vittotow  
Pho Masterclass Student

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Pho Masterclass$67

  • Total payment
  • 1xPho Masterclass$67
  • Parting Out Your Chicken$27

All prices in USD
